Free Printable Bunco Score Cards

Our Bunko Score Sheets are in PDF format. Just click on the picture of the Bunco Score Cards to open the file and print. Four Bunco Score Sheets are printed in color on a 8 1/2" x 11" sheet of paper.

Bunco Score Sheets are used to play Bunco. Players record the number of rounds they win and lose as a team, and the number of Buncos they score individually, on their personal scorecard. At the end of the game, prizes are awarded for the most wins, most losses, and most Buncos.

Game Overview
From: The Bunco Book, First Edition

Strictly speaking, bunco is a game of dice, played in rounds. Players take turns rolling the dice and trying to accumulate as many points as possible to win each round. The game is played at tables of four in competing teams of two.

Players score points by rolling three dice and trying to match the number they're supposed to roll for that round. They get a point for each die that rolls the number, and if all three roll the number they score 21 points. They also score 5 points for rolling three of a kind of any other number. They get to keep rolling as long as they score one or more points with each roll. Once they fail to score they pass the dice to their left and the opposing team gets a chance to score.

During each round the teams at the Head Table try to score 21 points. The first team to score 21 points wins the round and play stops. At all other tables play stops when the Head Table play stops and the team with the highest score at each lower table wins the round.

At the end of the round players change seats, the winners at each of the lower tables move up a table, and the losers at the Head table move to the lowest table. Players also switch partners at the end of the round, so you never play with the same partner twice in a row.

During play, players track the number of rounds they win and lose as a team, and the number of Buncos scored individually, on their personal scorecard. At the end of the night wins/losses and Buncos are tallied and prizes awarded.

Things you'll need

3 tables
12 chairs (4 per table)
9 dice (3 per table)
12 score cards (1 per player)
3 scratch pads (1 per table)
12 pencils (one per player)
game bell
fuzzy die
Bunco Rules